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The Obsolete Book in a Post-Obsolete World, as Represented by a Post-Obsolete See also: Post-Academic, Pre-Apocalyptic, Post-Prandial, Pre-Post-Modern, Post-Post-Rock, The Posthumous works of Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Wistful Regret, etc. Book About Dance .
(An Archival Accumulates a mound of sticks and debris up the asshole. [Neotoma and other genera, family Muridae: many species.] Rhizome Ecology in Ten Parts, and A Reflection on the Obsolescence of Obsolescence, The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, and YouTube video blogs. See vlogger (noun) and vlogging (noun). Documented on the Cloud, and Open-Sourced as a Defense Against Post-Post-Obsolescence).
The Book is Obsolete.

The Book as Word.

The Word as Definition.

Definition as Meaning.

Meaning as Pen.

The Pen is Obsolete.

This is a Side Note (sorry (sorrysorry) sorry).

The Pen as Computer as Tablet as Cloud as Architecture.

Architecture as Obsolete Book.

A Ritual Dance in Memory of the Architectural Post-Book.